If you have heart failure, your cardiologist must have educated you on how you can prevent your condition from progressing. Making healthy food choices, exercising, and making sure you take all the prescribed medications are crucial for preventing serious and potentially life-threatening complications associated with heart failure. However, has your cardiologist also told you about how you can lower
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Fitness Tips for Men in Their 30s/40s/50s
As our bodies age, we lose bone density and muscle mass. In the 30s to 50s age range, people often feel the effects of time on their bodies. You’re no longer as agile and your recovery is no longer as fast as when you were in your 20s. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t be an excuse to put
Read MoreTop 10 Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure
No doubt you’ve had your blood pressure checked; it’s one of the first things your doctor or the medical staff will measure before an exam or checkup. Some grocery and convenience stores have a sit-down kiosk where you can check your own blood pressure. There are also a variety of at-home blood pressure monitors available
Read MoreThe 14 Best Vitamins for Women
As a woman, you do have unique nutritional requirements at every stage of your life. You need to consume foods packed with vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal health, especially during pregnancy and menopause. The hormonal fluctuations that commonly occur in these stages can increase your risk of health problems, such as depression, mood disorders, and osteoporosis (bone loss). Here is
Read MoreCommon Types of Arthritis: Osteo, Rheumatoid, and Gout
Arthritis involves inflammation of joints and can be debilitating. Without treatment, the disease can significantly impact your quality of life. However, modern medicine offers several effective methods for dealing with arthritis. The key to proper treatment is first to understand how the disease manifests in various ways. By learning about the common types of arthritis, you
Read MoreDiabetic Neuropathy: Prevention and Treatment
Diabetic neuropathy is an issue with your nerves that occurs when you have unregulated high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period. It disrupts the nerves’ ability to accurately send signals to the brain. As a result, you may experience pain and other unpleasant nerve-related symptoms. Fortunately, if you’re diabetic and are at risk for this condition,
Read More5 Common Reasons Your Foot Might Hurt
Our feet play a very important role in supporting our body weight as well as allowing us to carry out a variety of different activities. The excessive forces placed on our feet, coupled with footwear that can create a moist environment for bacteria, can make our feet vulnerable to a variety of injuries, deformities, and
Read MoreChronic Illness Management and the Role of Weight Control
Heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis all have one factor in common: They’re all chronic health conditions. While a doctor may prescribe a medication to help you keep your condition under control, you can take certain proactive steps to help combat the issue as well. One of those steps is to lose weight if you are overweight. Being
Read MoreWorlds Apart: Understanding the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how the body uses glucose, which is a key sugar that is used as a source of fuel for the body’s cells. There are different types of diabetes, but type 1 and type 2 are the main types – and although they have certain things in common, they
Read MoreHow Seeing a Podiatrist Regularly Can Help Prevent Foot Stress
Your feet support your entire body weight every time you stand up or walk. This places them under a considerable amount of stress on a daily basis. This constant physical stress can put your feet at risk of injury and disease, but having a podiatrist by your side can help you to prevent foot problems. Let’s talk
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